In Race, Evolution, and Behavior: A life History Perspective, Dr. Rushton (University of Western Ontario) distinguishes between Caucasoid and White. "Whites" are those of European descent and are thus a subgroup of Caucasoid. Caucasoids include Middle Easterners, and members of the Indian subcontinent. In the same way that all Cadillacs are cars but not all cars are Cadillacs, all Whites are Caucasoid but not all Caucasoids are White.
As we have discussed elsewhere, for the purposes of this forum, as well as those of National Vanguard and the National Alliance, "Whites are non-jews of wholly European descent. No exceptions."
Here are some excerpts from REB:
Q: Your three major racial categories overlap and it isn't possible to assign each person to a race. So isn't your three-way racial classification scheme somewhat made-up? A: Yes, to a certain extent all the races blend into each other. That is true in any biological classification system. However, most people can be clearly identified with one race or another. In both everyday life and evolutionary biology, a "Black" is anyone most of whose ancestors were born in sub-Saharan Africa. A "White" is anyone most of whose ancestors were born in Europe. And an "Oriental" is anyone most of whose ancestors were born in East Asia. Modern DNA studies give pretty much the same results. -- Rushton, REB 2nd Special Abridged Edition, pp. 42-43 Caucasoids include Europeans, Middle Easterners, and members of the Indian subcontinent. -- Rushton, REB 3rd Edition, p235 |
The definition of "Aryan" is addressed every now and then on Stormfront and sometimes it is rather hotly debated. But it's a good question so let me try to help with it. Dr. David Duke uses that term in his book My Awakening. To show how he uses it (as a working definition) here are two excerpts from Awakening. There are others that you will find when you read his book (highly recommended): We Aryans are those of European descent who are racially conscious and who have committed our lives to our people's survival and evolutionary advancement. We shall do our duty. We shall not surrender our freedom and our very existence to Jewish or any other power. We shall preserve our heritage and our hard-won rights and freedoms. We shall guide our people up the evolutionary stairway to the stars.And: Leonides did not expect all of Greece, or even all of his men, to die with him. Once he knew the battle was lost, he sent many of them away so they could fight more effectively at another time and place. Not every White man and woman can be expected to make the sacrifices or take the risks that their leaders must, but every racially conscious White person must take some kind of action for our cause. Every true Aryan makes the cause of our heritage and freedom every bit as important as the rest of his or her basic human needs. The cause must become an integral part of the life of every racially aware White man and woman.Some White activists believe the term should not be used because it may have a negative connotation with some members of the public. It is, however, used by Kevin Strom of the National Vanguard as well as other members of National Vanguard and it was used by the late Dr. William Pierce. Kevin Alfred Strom, National Vanguard: Dr. Oliver was not afraid, and we of European descent should not be afraid to use the term Aryan. Today we are told that it is merely a linguistic term with no racial connotations. The originators of the term, the founders of the ancient civilization of India, the racially European conquerors of that subcontinent, would not have agreed. In their language it meant noble, and they used it in a specifically racial sense, drawing a distinction between their race of nobles, of Aryans, and the races of the conquered. I suggest that it be used only in a racial sense. For example, I do not think we should be debarred from using it to describe those branches of our race who do not speak an Indo-European language, such as the Finns and Hungarians. It should not be applied indiscriminately to every White person, however. In my opinion, its use should be limited to describe those of our race who truly deserve to be called noble -- those who by their appearance, their actions, their character, their intellect, and their consciousness of their mission to bring forth a higher type of humankind on this planet, deserve to be the progenitors of future generations of our race. By such a standard, Revilo Oliver was an Aryan among Aryans. The Shah of Iran had a title which he did not deserve, and which Revilo Oliver did deserve: Light of the Aryans.Here is Dr.Revilo Oliver's comment on the definition and use of the term: The word 'Aryan' is commonly avoided these days by writers who fear that the Jews will punish them for using it, but we do need a specific designation for our race and one that will permit us to restrict 'Indo-European' to use as a linguistic term, since, as everyone knows, race and language are quite different things, and language is not an indication of race or even nationality. (Jews are not Germans because many of them speak Yiddish, which is basically a corruption of a low dialect of German and the Congoids residing in the United States are not Anglo-Saxon because their only language is a debased English.) |
Aryans, or Indo-Europeans (Caucasians) created the great Indian, or Hindu civilization. Aryans swept over the Himalayas to the Indian sub-continent and conquered the aboriginal people. The original term India was coined by the Aryan invaders from their Sanskrit word Sindu, for the river now called the Indus. Sanskrit is perhaps the oldest of the Indo-European languages, having a common origin to all the modern languages of Europe. The word Aryan has an etymological origin in the word Arya from Sanskrit, meaning noble. The word also has been associated with gold, the noble metal and denoted the golden skinned invaders (as compared to the brown skinned aboriginals) from the West. Composed in about 1500 B.C., the Hindu religious texts of the Rig Veta tell the story of the long struggles between the Aryans and the aboriginal people of the Indian subcontinent. Sixteen Aryan states were partitioned by the sixth century A.D., and Brahmanism became the chief religion of India. The conquering race initiated a caste system to preserve their status and their racial identity. The Hindu word for caste is Varna, which directly translated into English, means color. Today the word is usually associated with occupation or trade; but that is because occupations evolved on the basis of skin color and ethnicity. The most pale skinned were called the Brahmin. These were the warrior-priest class, the top of the social ladder. The Untouchables (or Pariahs) were the racially mixed in the bottom caste. […] The average Christian conservative of the Western world would be aghast at the exuberant interest displayed by the ancient Indians in sex and in the ways they publicly displayed sexual experience through art. Hindu history, though, seems to indicate that it was not preoccupation with sex that brought down the high culture as much as it was the racial impact of that obsession. In spite of strict religious and civil taboos, the ancient Aryans crossed the color line. Slavery, or a similar system, had made servant women easily obtainable and proved a dangerous temptation for some of the basest of the slave holders. Only a small percentage of each generation had sexual liaisons with the lower castes, but over dozens of generations a gradual change in the racial composition occurred. Such changes are almost imperceptible in a single generation. But they are dramatic after a millennium. […] I knew that most of the modern-day Indian visitors I saw around me were poor reflections of the men and women who had walked these grounds centuries before. The temple — actually a memorial built by a man for his dead wife — had been constructed as a Muslim temple long after the great flowering of the Aryan civilization but contains many of the architectural and artistic qualities of the earlier era. I thought, as I approached the temple, how it might be taken as a metaphor, a funerary monument to the memory of a people who had given the world such great beauty. As I viewed the structure in the sharp sunlight of afternoon, it occurred to me that the rounded dome, with its features like sunbleached bone, resembled a great skull. The temple might represent the spiritual cranium of the Aryan people, I thought — one that had once held talented and disciplined minds but which now served only as a magnificent gravestone of a deceased culture and genetic treasure now degraded beyond redemption. --Dr. David Duke, My Awakening, ch. 29, "My Indian Odyssey." |
Every manifestation of human culture, every product of art, science and technical skill, which we see before our eyes to-day, is almost exclusively the product of the Aryan creative power. This very fact fully justifies the conclusion that it was the Aryan alone who founded a superior type of humanity; therefore he represents the architype of what we understand by the term: MAN. He is the Prometheus of mankind, from whose shining brow the divine spark of genius has at all times flashed forth, always kindling anew that fire which, in the form of knowledge, illuminated the dark night by drawing aside the veil of mystery and thus showing man how to rise and become master over all the other beings on the earth. Should he be forced to disappear, a profound darkness will descend on the earth; within a few thousand years human culture will vanish and the world will become a desert. If we divide mankind into three categories – founders of culture, bearers of culture, and destroyers of culture – the Aryan alone can be considered as representing the first category. It was he who laid the groundwork and erected the walls of every great structure in human culture. Only the shape and colour of such structures are to be attributed to the individual characteristics of the various nations. It is the Aryan who has furnished the great building-stones and plans for the edifices of all human progress; only the way in which these plans have been executed is to be attributed to the qualities of each individual race.Within a few decades the whole of Eastern Asia, for instance, appropriated a culture and called such a culture its own, whereas the basis of that culture was the Greek mind and Teutonic skill as we know it. Only the external form – at least to a certain degree – shows the traits of an Asiatic inspiration. It is not true, as some believe, that Japan adds European technique to a culture of her own. The truth rather is that European science and technics are just decked out with the peculiar characteristics of Japanese civilization. The foundations of actual life in Japan to-day are not those of the native Japanese culture, although this characterizes the external features of the country, which features strike the eye of European observers on account of their fundamental difference from us; but the real foundations of contemporary Japanese life are the enormous scientific and technical achievements of Europe and America, that is to say, of Aryan peoples. Only by adopting these achievements as the foundations of their own progress can the various nations of the Orient take a place in contemporary world progress. The scientific and technical achievements of Europe and America provide the basis on which the struggle for daily livelihood is carried on in the Orient. They provide the necessary arms and instruments for this struggle, and only the outer forms of these instruments have become gradually adapted to Japanese ways of life.
If, from today onwards, the Aryan influence on Japan would cease – and if we suppose that Europe and America would collapse – then the present progress of Japan in science and technique might still last for a short duration; but within a few decades the inspiration would dry up, and native Japanese character would triumph, while the present civilization would become fossilized and fall back into the sleep from which it was aroused about seventy years ago by the impact of Aryan culture. We may therefore draw the conclusion that, just as the present Japanese development has been due to Aryan influence, so in the immemorial past an outside influence and an outside culture brought into existence the Japanese culture of that day.
Adolf Hitler, MK, volume 1, chapter 11.
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