Version 6 - Last updated April 2004 - What's New
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Cro-Magnon Cheddar Man: circa 7000BC, | Spirit Cave Mummy, Nevada, USA, 7000 BC | A lapus lazuli blue-eyed statue from Sumeria, 3000 BC | The White Queen Nefertiti, Egypt, 1325 BC. |
The complete and comprehensive history of the White Race, spanning 350 centuries of tumultuous events.
This is their incredible story - of vast visions, empires, achievements, triumphs against staggering odds, reckless blunders, crushing defeats and stupendous struggles.
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Tocharian Mummy, China, 1500 BC | Detail from amphora, Classical Greece, 500BC | Octavian Augustus, Roman Emperor, 45 BC | Alexander Nevsky, Russian hero, 1240 AD. |
Most importantly of all, revealed in this work is the one true cause of the rise and fall of the world's greatest empires - that all civilizations rise and fall according to their racial homogeneity and nothing else - a nation can survive wars, defeats, natural catastrophes, but not racial dissolution.
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Queen Elizabeth I, England, 1600 | Napoleon Bonaparte, France, 1796 | Thomas Jefferson, American Revolutionary hero, 1789 | Adolf Hitler, Chancellor, Germany 1940 |
Chapter 1. Important Issues - Definition of race; White racial types; Means of tracking race in history; Environment and genes; Homo Erectus and Neanderthal no relation to Homo Sapiens
Chapter 2. The Late Paleolithic Age - 35,000 BC - 10,000 BC; First modern White racial types establish hunter gatherer existence in Europe and Near East
Chapter 3. The Neolithic Age - 10,000 BC; First fixed White settlements in Europe; then in Near East
Chapter 4. Laying the Foundations - The Old European Civilizations - 5000 BC - 2500 BC; First European continental civilizations; Crete; Etruscans; Indus River Valley
Chapter 5. Born of the Black Sea - The Indo-European Invasions - 5600 BC - 1000 BC; The Black Sea Flood causes Nordic invasions of Europe (Celts, Germans, Balts and Slavs); and the Near East, Afghanistan and India (Aryans)
Chapter 6. To the Ends of the Earth - Lost White Migrations - Ancient White migrations to China (1500 BC), Japan (250 BC), the Canary Islands (1300 BC); South America (2000 BC) and North America (7000 BC)
Chapter 7. The Near East - Whites Overwhelmed - 3000 BC - 1000 BC; Indo-Aryan civilizations in Mesopotamia; Iraq; Iran; dissolution and disappearance into Semitic and Arabic neighbors
Chapter 8. Egypt - Nordic Desert Empire - 3000 BC - 800 BC; Nordic Egyptian kings and queens; Racial Imagery in Egyptian artifacts; Dissolution of White Egyptians into Semitic, Arabic and Black (Nubian) neighbors (Includes special sub-page: "White Egypt: Refuting the lies of the Black supremacists about the White origins of Ancient Egypt")
Chapter 9. Alpha and Omega - The Rise and Fall of Civilizations - The rise and fall of civilizations explained in terms of their racial homogeneity; with the Near East civilizations as examples;
Chapter 10. The Hellenes - Classical Greece - 1500 BC - 200 BC; Age of Indo-Aryan peoples in Greece; Dissolution into non-White slave and immigrant population
Chapter 11. Conqueror and Creator - Alexander the Great - 1000 BC - 200 BC; Indo-Aryan Macedonian civilization creates kingdom of Syria and Ptolemaic Egypt
Chapter 12. The Age of the Caesars - Pre-Christian Rome - 800 BC - 200 AD; Origins of Roman Empire and racial developments till the advent of Christianity; Julius Caesar, Octavian Augustus and the Pax Romana
Chapter 13. Power and Purpose: The Glory of Rome - Cultural, military and architectural splendor of Classical Rome
Chapter 14. Opponents and Allies - Rome and the Celts - 200 BC - 100 AD; Roman conquest of Celtic lands of France, Spain and Britain
Chapter 15. The Useful Foe - Rome and the Germans - 100 BC- 100 AD; Roman Empire defeated by Germans under Hermann; Roman use of German mercenaries
Chapter 16. Racial Cauldron - Rome and the Near East - 200 BC - 200 AD; Roman conquest of mixed race Middle and Near East lands; Influx of mixed race peoples and slaves into Rome causes dissolution of original Roman population
Chapter 17. Christianity - By Stealth and Steel - The Jewish origins of Christianity; Spread of Christianity into Roman Empire and Europe
Chapter 18. The First Great Race War - Atilla the Hun - The invasion of Europe by Asiatic Mongols under Atilla the Hun
Chapter 19. The Fall of Rome - The Triumph of the Slaves - The real cause of the fall of the Western Roman Empire explained through the disappearance of the original Roman people in Italy
Chapter 20. Byzantine - The Eastern Roman Empire - The Eastern Roman Empire as a largely mixed race population existing through constant replenishment of its population from Europe
Chapter 21. The Second Great Race War- The Crusades - The White Race war against the non-White Muslims in Palestine; Egypt, North Africa and Portugal under the guise of Christianity
Chapter 22. Lessons in Decline - Spain and Portugal - Origin of the Iberian countries; the Portuguese and Spanish Black slave trade: Black slaves absorbed into Portuguese society; Gypsies in Spain; History until contemporary times
Chapter 23. The Third Great Race War - The Moors Invade Europe - The non-White Moors invade Europe and are driven out by White armies; Jewish co-operation with the non-White Moors causes anti-Semitism
Chapter 24. The Nordic Reservoir - Scandinavia - Denmark; Sweden; Finland; Norway - history until contemporary times
Chapter 25. The Fury of the Men of the North - Vikings and Normans - History of expeditions and settlements: France; Britain, Ireland, Russia and North America
Chapter 26. Flamboyance and Ferment - France - History until contemporary times
Chapter 27. Destiny and Destruction - Napoleon - Racial implications of Napoleonic wars for France
Chapter 28. The Isle of Influence - Great Britain - History until contemporary times
Chapter 29. Civil War and Emigration - Ireland - Conflict with the English: the longest running White civil war in history; History until contemporary times
Chapter 30. Small yet Significant - The Low Countries: Netherlands; Belgium, Luxembourg - History until contemporary times
Chapter 31. The Fourth Great Race War - The Bulgars, Khazars and Magyars - Asiatic invasions of Eastern Europe defeated by White armies
Chapter 32. The Fifth Great Race War - Ghengis Khan - Asiatic invasions of Eastern Europe and Southern Russia
Chapter 33. Continual Conquest - The Baltic States - Prussia; Lithuania; Latvia; Estonia; Poland; the Christian Teutonic Knights exterminate the last White pagans
Chapter 34. The Test of Ethnicity - Switzerland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia - Conflict resolution in racially homogeneous and non racially homogeneous societies; History until contemporary times
Chapter 35. The Sixth Great Race War - The Ottoman Holocaust - Non-White invasion of South Eastern Europe; The fall of Constantinople; non-White Turks only driven out after nearly 1000 years; Racial after effects on White population in this region
Chapter 36. Turmoil in the Balkans - Romania, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece - History until contemporary times; the true story of Count Dracula (Vlad the Impaler); partially mixed race populations result from non-White Ottoman occupation and resultant instability
Chapter 37. Risorgimento - The Resurrection of Italy - Lombard Germanic invasion of northern Italy causes division of Italy into bi-racial nation; White in the north, mixed race Roman remnants in the south; History until contemporary times
Chapter 38. Gott Mitt Uns - The Rise of Germany - Holy Roman Empire; Civil Wars; Unification; Maintenance of racially homogeneous society; History until contemporary times
Chapter 39. The Doomed Empire - Austria and Hungary - Creation of ethnically and partially racially diverse empire and its resultant collapse; History of the separate countries of Austria and Hungary until contemporary times
Chapter 40. The Rise of the Tsars - Russia to 1917 - Nordic origins and race wars with Asiatics in pre-Communist Russia
Chapter 41. Christianity Dominant - The Dark Ages - The Age of Christianity causes halt in progress in learning; the Inquisition
Chapter 42. The Rebirth of Classical Culture - The Renaissance - The overthrow of the Christian Dark Age causes a return to pre-Christian White classical values; science and learning re-emerge after 900 years
Chapter 43. In The Name of God - The Christian Wars - White civil wars caused by Christianity; One third of the White Race killed as a result
Chapter 44. White Expansion - Voyages of Discovery - Whites discover the world
Chapter 45. The New World - Initial Settlements, Conflict in Japan and China - First White settlements; Chinese race war against White powers; Japanese racial isolation and then adaptation to White culture
Chapter 46. The Sun Never Sets - The British Empire - History until its dissolution
Chapter 47. The Well of Bibighar - Whites in India - Indian race wars against White British
Chapter 48. Conquistadors - Whites in South America - The White Conquest of South and Central America and the creation of modern South American population; fall of Incas and Aztecs explained through racial mixing
Chapter 49. Revolution! The Birth of the United States of America - The American Revolution and its racial implications
Chapter 50. The Seventh Great Race War - The Amerinds - ("Red Indians") - The race wars between the Whites and Red Indians in America; until contemporary times; Original American constitution refuses to recognize Amerinds as US citizens
Chapter 51. The Eighth Great Race War - Mexico - Santa Ana and the Mexican-US War; The Alamo; The USA invades Mexico
Chapter 52. Three Fifths of a Person: The History of Slaves - History of slaves as a means of importing Blacks into White countries; Original American constitution counts Blacks as three fifths of a person and denies them citizenship and voting rights; Black race war against Whites in Haiti
Chapter 53. "Our White Men Cutting One Another's Throats" - The American Civil War and the Reconstruction - Course of the American Civil War; Racial implications and the Ku Klux Klan
Chapter 54. Immigration and Eugenics - America from 1870 to 1945 - Black riots; Jewish immigration ; Racially based US immigration laws follow American world lead in Eugenics
Chapter 55. British North America - Canada - Canadian Amerinds displaced by White immigration; History until contemporary times
Chapter 56. The White Man's Burden - White settlements in Southern Africa - South Africa and Rhodesia; microcosm of the rise and fall of states according to their demographic make-up
Chapter 57. New Zeal - Australia and New Zealand - Maoris and Aborigines displaced by White immigration; History until contemporary times
Chapter 58. Shaping the World - The White Technological Revolution - All significant inventions which shape the world originate with the White Race; comprehensive list of inventors, inventions, dates, places
Chapter 59. The First Great Brothers' War - World War 1 - Course of war; Racial implications
Chapter 60. The October Revolution - Communism in Russia - Course of revolution which brought Communism to the World
Chapter 61. The Suppressed Link - Jews and Communism - The Jewish role in the creation of Communism; Soviet anti-Zionism
Chapter 62. The Second Great Brothers' War - World War 2 - Course of war; Racial implications
Chapter 63. The Shadow of the Ghetto - Europe's Jews - The Saga of the European Jews - History of Jews until contemporary times; Expulsion in Middle Ages; Nazi anti-Semitism; Anti-Jewishness and anti-Zionism
Chapter 64. The Racial State - The Third Reich - Racial Laws; Social ordering; Economics; Health laws; the Jews
Chapter 65. The White Master Goes Home - The Collapse of Colonialism - The end of the White colonies in the Third World
Chapter 66. Social Upheaval - America's Civil Rights Movement; Communism Collapses in the Soviet Union - Black Power in the USA; The Soviet Union and the Cold War until the dissolution of the Communist Empire
Chapter 67. The Changing Face - The Extent of Non-White Immigration - Third World immigration into Europe; North America and Australia in the last ten years of the 20th Century; World racial populations and projections
Chapter 68. Civilization in Peril - The Coming Fall of the West - The dissolution of contemporary Western civilization through breakdown in racial homogeneity; racial discordance (race and crime); Current rates of non-White immigration will mean not one majority White country left on earth by 2090.
Appendix 1: The Decline of the USA: A photographic essay graphically showing the destruction of major US cities as a result of the changed racial demographics of those once great centers. | Appendix 2: Racial Mixing: Studies of the extent and effect of racial mixing in selected European population groups. | Appendix 3: The Holocaust Analyzed: The Holocaust has been used since the end of the Second World War to suppress debate on race - here the veracity of the key tenets of the Holocaust are discussed. |
Appendix 4: White Egypt: A gallery of images showing the racial make-up of Ancient Egypt. | Appendix 5: A Review of the skeletal evidence of Ancient Greece. | Appendix 6: Evidence for the Negroid presence in Greece. |
Appendix 7: References to Race in Classical Grecian writing. | Appendix 8: Third World Immigration: Importing Poverty - The UK Case Study. | Appendix 9: Third World Immigration into the USA |
Appendix 10: From Slave to Emperor - Famous Historians on the Racial Change leading to the fall of the Classical Roman Civilization. | Appendix 11: Classical Roman Writers on Race Mixing in Rome. | Appendix 12: Genetic Evidence for the Aryan Invasion of India. |
Appendix 13: Discovery Channel's "Nefertiti Reconstruction" exposed | Appendix 14: The Mixed Racial Origins of the Moors. |
All material used with permission and is (c) copyright Ostara Publications, 1999. (ostara @
Re-use for commercial purposes strictly forbidden.
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